Personality Traits 2
Relier ColonnesMatch the types of personality with the actions that best fits those personality traits
Personality Traits 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the types of personality with the actions that best fits those personality traits
Stages Of Life
Relier ColonnesMatch the photos and the stage of life they represent.
Online lessons: Before
Relier ColonnesHere are some things you may need to do before your online lessons. Match the beginning and end of these phrases (COLLOCATIONS)
Education: Collocations verbs
Relier ColonnesMatch the verb on the left with the end of the phrase on the right.
Education & Exams Phrases
Relier ColonnesMatch the two halves.
House Chores (3)
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the verb phrases you hear. Pay attention to the verb phrases with "make" and "do".
House Chores (2)
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the verb phrases you hear. Pay attention to the verb phrases with "make" and "do".
Relier ColonnesMatch the food with its pronunciation
House Chores
RelierCOLLOCATIONS: Match the verbs on the left with the vocabulary on the right.
Types Of Houses
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the type of house it is.
Relier ColonnesAnimals (Great Explorers 5)
Mots CroisésSport vocabulary (unit 5A, English File Intermediate, 4ht Ed.)
Relationships: verb phrases
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the verb/verb phrase it illustrates.