Dictado puntos suspensivos
Dictado de refuerzo de uso de los dos puntos.
Dictado para reforzar el uso de los dos puntos.
Dictado de refuerzo para sexto de primaria. Uso de la "h"
The aim of this activity is to review the wild animals vocabulary.
Dictado de repaso de las comas y el punto y coma.
The aim of this activity is to review the vocabulary of pets: bird, fish, cat and dog
Dictado para la clase de lengua del día 16/04/2019
Dictado de refuerzo para los alumnos de 6º del colegio Eduardo Rojo
The aim of this activity is to review easter vocabulary
The aim of this activity is to review the vocabulary of the farm animals
The aim of this activity is to review the numbers that students have seen in the classroom.
Dictado para sexto de primaria del colegio Eduardo Rojo
The aim of this wordsearch is to review St Patrick´s vocabulary
By means of this activity, students will review the vocabulary related to face parts.