Jours de la semaine et nombres
Mots MêlésTrouvez les mots
Cliquez sur la réponse correcte.
Lisez les phrases et écrivez le verbe conjugué (Read the sentences and write the conjugation for the verb).
Transportation and Food Vocabulary
Mots MêlésFind the words of the vocabulary in the puzzle
Mots CroisésFill the wordpuzzle with the water vocabulary we've worked in class.
The 3Rs Word Search
Mots MêlésFind the words related to the 3Rs in this word search puzzle.
Mots MêlésFind the ways people have used to communicate over the history.
Les Parties du Corps
Mots MêlésTrouvez les 20 parties du corps dans le mot caché.
Miltie Math-head Takes the Mou
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle with the words of the vocabulary
The Hero Maui Vocabulary
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle with the descriptions given.
Snow White and the Queen
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle using the descriptions from the vocabulary worked in class.
Rogue Waves
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle with the vocabulary from the story.
Brazil Vocabulary
Mots CroisésUse the clues to find out the words from the vocabulary of Brazil's story.
Intraspecific Interactions
Mots MêlésFind the words in the puzzle:
Inter and Intraspecific Intera
Mots MêlésFind the words in the following puzzle.
Digital Reality TechVocabulary
Mots CroisésComplete the following puzzle with the vocabulary of the story Digital Reality Tech presented in class.
Vocabulary Time!
Mots CroisésRead the descriptions and complete the puzzle.
The Recess Revolt Vocabulary
Mots CroisésBased on the definition, find the words of the vocabulary in the following word puzzle.
Changes of Matter
Mots CroisésRead the descriptions and complete the puzzle with the correct word.
Anne Frank Vocabulary
Mots CroisésComple the following puzzle with the vocabulary frmo teh Anne Frank story worked in class.
States of Matter
Mots MêlésFind in the following word search words related to the matter and its changes.
World War II
Mots MêlésFind the words in the following word search.
Abstract Nouns
Mots MêlésFind in teh following word searcher abstract nouns.
Light Sources
Mots MêlésLet's find light sources!
Qu'est-ce que vous faites chez veus?
Relier ColonnesLiez l'image avec la action qui est faite dans les lieuz de la maison.
Vice Verse et les couleurs
Mots CroisésComplétez le mot-croisé en utilisant les couleurs des personnages du film Vuce Versa.
Qui es-tu?
Mots MêlésCherches les mots dans les mots mêlés.
Techonological Devices
CompléterComplete with the missing letter the empty spaces.
Cerveau et Apprentissage
Mots CroisésOn va faire une petite activité pour reprendre les définitions et concepts clé de la lecture. Completez le suivante mot croisé!
Mots CroisésDevinez que je serai ?
Types of Art
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with its name.
Food Preparation Verbs
Relier ColonnesMatch the verb with the action:
Adjective For Personality
Mots CroisésGuess the adjective in each statement to complete the crossword puzzle:
Listen and Select - Point B Page 20
CompléterListening carefully to each movie review again. Based on the reviwers' opinion, complete based on what you hear:
Movie Genres
Relier ColonnesLink with the right answer: