Unit 9 vocabulary
Mots CroisésTry to guess all the vocabulary words
Days of the week
Mots MêlésFind the 7 days of the week in the soup
Actions Memotest
MemoryMatch the drawing with the action
Present simple
RelierMatch the hobbies and the present simple structure.
Complete the crossword
Mots CroisésLook at the pictures and complete the crossword
Complete the text
CompléterTry to complete de text with the words
Words around
Mots RouletteTry to guess the words
Memo test
MemoryFind the objects and match with the words
Soup word
Mots MêlésFind the colours and numbers in the soup
Soup word
Mots MêlésFind the words from the vocabulray
Match the words
Relier ColonnesTry to connect the word with the pictures
Complete the crossword
Mots CroisésRead the definitions and try to complete the crossword
Fill in the blanks
CompléterComplete with the correct word
Complete de weel
Mots RouletteTry to guess al the past verbs
Prepositions of place
Mots MêlésLook for the prepositions of place
Past simple
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword with the past tense of the verbs
Mots CroisésWrite the numbers
Past participle words
Mots CroisésRead the sentence and change the verb into the past participle form
Find the words
Mots MêlésTry to find the vocabulary words in the word soup
Vocabulary review
Mots CroisésSee the pictures and guess
Vocabulary practice
Mots RouletteTraducir las palabras a inglés
CompléterPut the missing words in the correct place
Climates and the weather
Mots CroisésGuess the climate or the weather
Match de numbers
Relier ColonnesConnect the numbers with the words
Complete the blanks
CompléterComplete with the correct world
Write the parts of the body
Mots CroisésFollow the clues to write the parts of the body
Relier ColonnesMatch the sentences in order to make a conversation.
Find the months of the year
Mots MêlésTry to find the twelve months
Parts of the house
Relier ColonnesMatch the parts of the house
Name the fruit
Relier ColonnesEncuentra la fruta correcta
Put the numbers together
Relier ColonnesUne el número
Find the months of the year
Mots MêlésEncuentra los meses
Put together
Relier ColonnesUnir con la imagen correcta
Unir la imagen con el color
Read and guess the words
Mots CroisésYou have a hidden word. Read the text and guess what word is it.
Guess the animal
Relier ColonnesMatch the animal with the correct description
Find the Family
MemoryRelate the picture to the word
Find the words
Mots MêlésFind the school supplies Good luck!
Exercise 1
CompléterFilling the blanks
Mots Mêlésfind the members of the family