Mots Croisésthanksgiving vocabulary
T4 U1 p6 ex3 vocab
Mots Croisésvocabulary
days of the week
Mots Mêlésfind the days of the week
T3 U4 the right person
Mots Croiséscrossword
Find the words.
Mots Mêlésturbo intro u3c
True or false?
Testturbo intro u2a listening
turbo intro u2a vocabulary
Mots Mêlésvocabulary
numbers 0-10
turbo intro u1C p 14
Carte Interactivecontinents
T3 U3 p.23 ex.5
Testlisten and fill in the blanks
reading comprehension
t3 - u3 - which one - p. 22
CompléterType the correct word.
turbo3 u3 pronunciation
RelierClick on the words with /ei/ , then /aɪ/ , then /ɔɪ/
coronavirus vocabulary
Mots Croiséscoronavirus vocabulary
Relier Colonnescollocations are word combinations that people use in a language. For example: 'happy' and 'merry' are synonyms, but people always say 'happy birthday'. 'Merry birthday' would be considered awkward or...
types of decision makers vocab
Relier Colonnesvocab
Classroom language
What is the nationality?
Mots Croisésnationality
turbo intro dialog
Mots Mêléscountries
grammar A or AN
Testindefinite article
what do you do
Relier Colonnesmatch the jobs
turbo 3 page16 ex2 vocabulary
Relier Colonnesmatch the word to the correct meaning