Think about the monsters´video and choose the correct cause and effect.
Remember what you´ve watched and answer the questions
Think and write your answer.
Read carefully and write the correct option
Think if you need to use the Super S or yo do not need to.
Listen and choose the correct option. Remember that you can listen to the scenes a lot of times if you press VOLVER A VER.
Choose if its a noun or an adjective
Think if these examples are nouns or adjectives. When the answer is correct the pairs will turn green.
Listen and choose the correct option.
Choose the correct option
Choose the correct option
How are the pumpkin and the marigold flower similar and different?
Match the word with the picture
Find the pairs of fruits.
Match the word with the picture
Choose the object mentioned by each crayon in the story.
Match the picture with the sentence.
Select the correct person for each verb.
Complete the gaps with the correct word.