The body
Carte InteractiveMatch body parts
School objects in Spanish
Carte InteractiveName classroom supplies
School-Colors & Greetings
RelierMatch each category of words
El cuerpo- The Body
Carte InteractiveBody Parts vocabulary
La Ropa-Clothes
Mots MêlésCircle the Spanish words that you find in the puzzle
La Ropa-Clothes
Carte InteractiveVocabulary of clothes in spanish
La comida
Carte InteractiveLearn the name of the food in Spanish
La Hora- The time
Carte InteractiveSet the time in these clocks
Test- The Weather-El tiempo
El Tiempo en Estados Unidos
Carte InteractiveSet the weather in United States (Estados Unidos)
El tiempo/ The Weather
Carte InteractiveThe student will interact with a map and weather icons in Spanish
Emociones con Bob Esponja
Carte InteractiveSet the emotions in Spanish
Mots MêlésFind the words. Emotions in spanish
Emotions- Feelings
Carte InteractiveIn this activity you have to match each word with the feeling that the face expresses
PrésentationPower point Feelings
TestTest of emotions in Spanish
School objects in Spanish
PrésentationA selection of school supplies in spanish
Introductions 2
DialogueHere you will learn introductions between two people that do not know each other.
Mots CroisésHere you can practice adjectives in Spanish
Emotions /Adjectives
Ordonner les LettresPractice emotions with Jumbled Word
Mots MêlésAdjectives in Spanish
Introduction- Presentacion
DialogueWrite a conversation between these two characters.
Basic vocabulary in Spanish. Adjectives, the school and days of the week.
PrésentationIn this Power Point you will learn the basic adjectives in Spanish
TestIn this quiz your will be tested the vocabulary of "adjectives"