family memory cards
MemoryFind the couples
Memory clothes
Memorytry to find the couples in the cards
family order 7
Ordonner les LettresPut the letters in order to form the word
family order 6
Ordonner les Lettresput the letters in order to form a word
family order5
Ordonner les Lettresput the letters in order to form the word
family order4
Ordonner les LettresPut in order the letters to form the word
family order 3
Ordonner les Lettresorder the letters to form a word
family order 2
Ordonner les LettresPut the letters in order to form a word
sports order
Ordonner les MotsPut in order the words to form a sentence with sense
Memoryfind the sports
family order1
Ordonner les LettresPut the letters in the correct order
word Fellings
Mots MêlésFind the words of the feelings
Family members
Mots MêlésFind the name of the family members
greenman and the clothes
Video QuizWatch the video of greenman, and answer the questions
jobs in order
Ordonner les MotsPut in order next words to make a sentence with sense
Life in a farm
DictéeTry to write what you hear
Guess the job
DevinetteTry to guess what is the hidden job
guess my job
DevinetteTry to guess wthat is the hidden job
Mots Croiséswrite the feelings
My family
Mots CroisésWrite the members of the family
The House
Relier ColonnesRelacionar las palabras con su imagen
Our house
Mots CroisésWrite the words related to the house
The crocodile and the monkey
Video QuizAnswer some questions from a video
A Cameraman
CompléterComplete the text with the missing words
song of jobs
Testanswer questions about the jobs
our parents' jobs
Relierreview the jobs
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the labels
Relierfind the clothes that you use with hot or cold weather
Mots RouletteFind the appropriate word to complete the game
present simple
Compléterfill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in present simple
sports and jobs
Mots Mêlésreview of the sports and jobs
Mots Croisésreview the spors worked in the classroom