
Son jeux

Changer le mode d'affichage de l'activité
  • Mots Mêlés
    Mots Mêlés

    School items

    Find the vocabuary related on the school items

  • Compléter

    Reading 1

    Complete the reading

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes


    Numbers are very useful, so it's very important to handle them as well you know in in your mother tonge.

  • Mots Roulette
    Mots Roulette


    Find the words for professions

  • Relier Colonnes
    Relier Colonnes

    Lesson 1,3

    Match the questions with the answers

  • Ordonner les Mots
    Ordonner les Mots

    Lesson 1,2 English class

    Order the words to make a sentence which answer the question

  • Ordonner les Mots
    Ordonner les Mots

    Lesson 1,1 English class

    This is the first lesson for English learning class