Relier Colonnes
La routine typique - verbes
Match the picture to the correct infinitive (unconjugated verb)
Le Passé Composé / Imparfait
Conjuguez les verbes correctement au passé composé ou à l'imparfait. Regardez les mots indices pour vous aider à choisir....
Carte Interactive
Au Cafe DELF
Ecrivez le vocabulaire correct en regardant la chanson "Au Cafe DELF". Les accents ne sont pas nécessaire pour cette activité.
Mots Croisés
Le passe compose avec AVOIR
Conjugate the verbs correctly in the passe compose. Watch out for regular vs. irregular past participles.
Determine which verb tense is needed and conjugate accordingly. Do NOT type accents.
Mots Croisés
Le passe compose: Avoir/Etre
Conjugate the verbs correctly in the passe compose. Pay attention: Do you need AVOIR or ETRE as your participe passe? Is it a REGULAR or IRREGULAR participe passe? If it's an ETRE verb do you need ...
Carte Interactive
La routine typique
Conjugate a daily routine verb correctly for each image you see and subject you hear. Start each sentence with a capital and end with a period to receive points. Do NOT use accents to save time.
Mots Croisés
Les adjectifs
Type the adjectives you hear. Watch out for the masculine vs. feminine forms.
Les aerobiques + les pronoms
Completez ces ordres aerobiques. For many of them you need to use the OPPOSITE verb, unless otherwise indicated. Watch out for the pronouns you use in the second order....le, la, or Les.