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Places in Spanish (Directions)
Vocabulary of places in Spanish. How to ask and give directions.
Relier Colonnes
Farm Animals memory game in Spanish for 1st and 2nd grade
Conjugation of verbs
Conjugacion del verbo ESPERAR y DIBUJAR en tiempo presente. Grados 5to y 6to.
Spanish Subject Pronouns (Part B)
Pronombres personales en tiempo presente. Español grados 5to y 6to.
Matching game for 5th and 6th grade. Spanish Subject Pronouns and conjugation of the verb to be in present tense.
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Interrogative words in Spanish
Memory game of interrogative words in Spanish and English.
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School Supplies in Spanish
Utiles escolares en espanol. Juego de memoria para kinder y primer grado
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Days of the week matching game
Dias de la semana en español. Juego de correspondencias.