complete the expression
Answer the questions.
Find out the hidden word
Write in the nationalities
Find the good answer
Which is correct?
Put the words in order
find out the word
Match the opposites
Answer the questions
Match the two halves
match the pairs
find the pairs
True or false
put the letters in order
Put the words in order.
Find out
Find the pairs
Write in the words
Put the words in the correct order.
Complete the questions
words from the text in Get to the Top 2/2b
Find the capitals
do the puzzle
Find out yes or no.
Find out yes or no?
Daily routine, free time
exercise with numbers 1-100
Introductory questions
match the present and past
Match the words
Do the crossword puzzle
match the school subjects
match the words
Match the pairs.
Match the countries with the nationalities
Match the days
Match the Hungarian nouns with the English nouns.
Find out the words
Match the words with their descriptions
Write the numbers in English
Fill in the missing words is English
Match the time adverbials
Match the question words
Match the numbers
Match the parts of the body
plural forms of nouns
Irregular plural forms
Match the two halves of the expressions.
Match the two halves of the sentences
Match the two halves of the expressions
Find the two parts of the words
find the film genres
Write down the ordinals
Find out the days of the week
Find out who is who in the family?
Match the subject pronouns with the possessive pronouns
match the containers with the food
Match the subject pronouns with the object pronouns
find the opposites
match the words with pictures