Adjectives to describe people
Mots CroisésBased on this presentation: https://view.genial.ly/60a8c0d83787a40d4b4f916a/interactive-content-personality-adjectives
Find words in the crossword
Technology and opinions
CompléterA short activity to practice the use useful expressions for opinion essays.
Vocabulary descriptions
Relier ColonnesMatch the opposites
Describing objects
Froggy Jumpsvocabulary from this text: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zdknb9q/revision/
Froggy Jumpschoose the correct word to cross the pond
Movies Crossword
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge of the film industry with this crossword puzzle! There are no spaces between words, just skip them.
Wh Question Words - English (D)
CompléterSelect the correct Wh question word by clicking on the appropriate word.
W-H Question words (D)
Relier ColonnesMatch each interrogative pronoun with its translation.
days and months (D)
Mots CroisésFill the gaps to find the seven days of the week and the 12 months of the year
Days of the Week Unscramble
Ordonner les LettresTest your knowledge of the days of the week in this fun unscramble letters game!
Family Unscramble
Ordonner les LettresTest your knowledge of family members by unscrambling the letters to form the correct words!
Relier ColonnesMatch the pairs
Describing faces
MemoryA memory cards game to test your knowledge of facial features. Match the pairs to win!
From the end of this clip: https://youtu.be/AJfhrLoQl5w?si=OjuFJmmqGkYEK7A9
RelierActivity to review vocabulary 14th september 2023