Career Match Memory Game
MemoryTest your memory with job-related concepts in this engaging memory card game. Match job roles and responsibilities to win!
7 de Julio: San Fermín
Mots CroisésEscribe palabras relacionadas con la fiesta de los Sanfermines.
Converting hours
Relier ColonnesMatch 12-hour format with its 24-hour format.
RelierMatch 12-hour format to 24-hour format.
What are you wearing?
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the word.
What are you wearing?
Mots MêlésReview and learn new clothes! If you don't know, use a dictionary. You can find words on vertical or horizontal line, no diagonal.
irregular verbs
RelierMatch infinitives with their past tense
Rewiew vocabulary
Mots RouletteHere you have an activity to help you to review vocabulary. Can you do it? Try it!
Parts of the body
Mots CroisésBody parts