1 - LAP 11 - Vocabulary Practice 8
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the short phrases
1 - LAP 11 - Vocab Prac 6
Relier ColonnesListen to the short phrase, then match it with the characters / English
3 - Lesson 29 - Vocabulary Practice 2
Froggy JumpsListen to the audio clip and click on the corresponding characters / English
Lesson 20 - Vocabulary Practice 4
Froggy Jumpsfind the correct time based on what you hear.
1 - LAP 11 - Vocab Prac 4
Relier ColonnesListen to the short phrase, then match it with the pinyin / English
Listen to the clip and select the corresponding English.
Food or Drink 2
Reliercategorize foods or drinks
Food or Drink 1
Reliercategorize foods or drinks
Food or Drink
Reliercategorize foods or drinks
LAP 05 在/有 (Map of China)
Carte InteractiveRead the description and then choose the correct city.