Afrikako mapa politikoa (sinplea)
Carte InteractiveMapa hau landuz, Afrikako herrialde batzuen kokapena ikasiko duzue.
Asiako mapa politiko simplea (Euskaraz)
Carte InteractiveMapa hau landuz, Asiako herrialde batzuetako kokapena ezagutuko duzue.
Political map of ASIA (sinplea)
Carte InteractiveBy doing this map you will learn some of the countries of Asia.
Espainiako probintziak
Carte InteractiveEspainiako probintziak
Espainiako erliebea (Indar)
Carte InteractiveMapa honen bidez Espainiako erliebe unitate nagusiak landuko ditugu
Europako erliebea 1.DBH (Indar))
Carte InteractiveMapa honen bidez, Europako erliebe unitate nagusiak landuko ditugu.
Europako Balkanak
Carte InteractiveHau Europako mapa politikoa da.
Central America
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the political map of Central America.
Espainiako ibaiak
Carte InteractiveEspainiako ibaiak eta ozeanoak
Europako ibaiak
Carte InteractiveEuropako itsasoak, ibaiak eta aintzirak
Amerikako ibaiak
Carte InteractiveAmerikako ibaiak, ozeanoak eta aintzirak
Asiako ibaiak
Carte InteractiveAsiako ibaiak eta aintzirak
Afrikako ibaiak
Carte InteractiveAfrikako ibaiak, aintzirak eta itsasoak
Europa mapa politikoa
Carte InteractiveHau Europako mapa politikoa da.
Verbs English II
Relier ColonnesBy doing this activity you will learn some English verbs related to cooking.
Verbs English I
Relier ColonnesBy doing this activity you will learn some English verbs related to cooking.
Cooking utensils
Relier ColonnesBy doing this exercise you will learn the main cookin utensils words.
Political map of North America
Carte InteractiveBy doing this map you will learn the main countries of North America
Political map of South America
Carte InteractiveBy doing this map you will learn the main countries of South America
Political map of Asia simple
Carte InteractiveBy doing this map you will learn some of the countries of Asia.
Espainiako komunitateak
Carte InteractiveHere you have a good map about the different autonomous communities and provinces of Spain.
Political map of Europe (SIMPLE)
Carte InteractiveThis is a political map of Europe
Ozeanoak eta kontinenteak
Carte InteractiveMapa honetan ozeanoak eta kontinenteak kokatuko dituzue.
Carte InteractiveHementxe duzue irudi bat paralelo ezberdinak ongi kokatzeko.
Physical map of Spain
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the main features of Spain´s relief and its rivers.
Physical map of America
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the main features of America,s relief.
Physical map of Asia
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the main features of Asia´s relief.
Physical map of Europe
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the main features of Europe´s relief. Thank you, Carol
Physical map of Africa
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the relief and rivers of Africa.
Political map of Africa
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the main countries of Africa.
Political map of America
Carte InteractiveBy working this map, you will learn the main countries of America.
Carte InteractiveBy this activity, you will learn the different communities of Spain
Political map of Europe
Carte InteractiveThis is a political map of Europe
Espainiako erliebea
Carte InteractiveMapa honen bidez Espainiako erliebe unitate nagusiak landuko ditugu
Carte InteractiveMapa honen bidez Asiako erliebe unitate nagusiak landuko ditugu.
Amerikako erliebea
Carte InteractiveMapa honen bidez Amerikako erliebe unitate nagusiak landuko ditugu.
Afrikako erliebea
Carte InteractiveMapa honen bidez Afrikako erliebe unitate nagusiak landuko ditugu.
Europako erliebea 1.DBH
Carte InteractiveMapa honen bidez, Europako erliebe unitate nagusiak landuko ditugu.
Nafarroako herriak
Carte InteractiveMapa honetan Nafarroako herri, hiri eta ibar nagusienak kokatuko ditugu, hoien kokapena lantzeko.