Match the school subjects.
Este vídeo nos cuenta cosas muy importantes sobre el agua para que cuidemos el planeta. Mira el vídeo y contesta a las preguntas.
What are they good for? Match.
Find the different food groups in the food pyramid.
Guess if they come from an animal or a plant.
Guess the food that starts with these letters.
Use the clues and the picture to guess the means of transport.
Use the clues and the picture to guess the means of transport.
Use the clues and the picture to guess the means of transport.
Use the clues and the picture to guess the means of transport.
Use the clues and the picture to guess the means of transport.
Use the clues to guess the means of transport.
Ordena estas palabras de la historia de Jack el tacaño.
Quiz sobre el vídeo La historia de Halloween, del canal Cosas de Peques.
Match the names to the pictures.
Order the different stages of our life
Match the name of the bone with the picture