Vacation Activities
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the words
Match - V3
MemoryMatch the base for of verbs (V1) with their past participle (V3)
EC5A Simple Past
Relier ColonnesMatch the present verbs with the past verbs
EC4B Past participle
Mots MêlésFind the past participle verbs
EC4B Reading Vocabulary 9
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the meaning.
EC2B Chapter 8 Mr. Wombat
CompléterComplete the story.
ET7 U1 WB act 2
RelierGroup the words
ET7 U1 Vocabulary
MemoryMatch the pictures and the descriptions.
GEP3 1B expressions
RelierGroup the expressions used in interviewing a successful person.
EC4B U8 Reading
Relier ColonnesMatch the words and the pictures
GHI1 Vocabulary Chapter 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the words. Then, copy the correct answer to your Workbook page 1 activity 1.
TestChoose the correct answers. Then copy the correct answer to your Exercise Book page 40 activity 1.
GEE2 CH2 Act 2
Relier ColonnesMatch the idioms with their meanings.
GEE2 CH2 Act 1
RelierGroup the words/phrases.
EC6A C5 Shipwreck
Relier ColonnesMatch!
GEI1 3A WB_2_15
CompléterFill in the blanks. If you have finished, copy the correct answers to your WorkBook page 15, activity 2. Take a photo of your answered page and send it to your teacher.
GEI1 3A Vocabulary
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle and copy the correct answer to your StudentBook page 32, activity 1.
EC6A Past Perfect
Relier ColonnesMatch.
Mots MêlésFind 7 things to do to make an animated movie.
EC4A Vocabulary CLIL
Relier ColonnesMatch the words so they have a meaning
EC6A If I were...
CompléterComplete the reading text.
Mots MêlésFind 8 people who are involved in movie making.
GEI1 2A Vocabulary
Mots CroisésDo the crosswords puzzle and copy the correct answers to your Student Book, page 18, activity 1. Send me the photo of you answered page.
ET9 SB L3 Act 2
Mots CroisésComplete the crosswords puzzle. Then copy the correct answers to your Student Book, page 12, activity 2.
EC4A Vocabulary CH4 Adjectives
Relier ColonnesMatch the movie with the feeling when you watch it.
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to their definitions. Copy the right answer to your student book, activity 1, chapter 1, page 2
Choose the correct answer.
GEP4 U2 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the meaning.
EC6A Chapter 1 L6
CompléterComplete the text.
GEP4 U1 Reading and Writing
CompléterFill in the blanks. Then use the correct answers to complete your workbook activity 1, Unit 1C
EC6A Vocabulary 2
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meaning.
GEP4 U1 Expressions
RelierGroup these expressions talking about social media friendship problems.
GEP4 U1 Vocabulary Review
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle. Then, use the correct answer to complete your Workbook pg 6, act. 1. Send the photo of your answered exercise to my number.
GEP4 U1 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the meaning.
EC6A U1 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the words
GEA10 U4 Expressions
RelierGroup the expressions.
GEP3 4C Vocabulary WB
CompléterComplete the text. Then use the correct answer to complete act.1 pg 29 WB. Send me the photo off your answered page.
GEP3 4C Vocabulary
CompléterComplete the online article by filling in the blanks. Then, use the correct answer to do act 1, page 45, SB. Send me the photo of the fully answered page.
GEA10 U4 Parts of Speech 1
RelierGroup the words in the correct place. Then use the answer to complete activity 1, page 53 of your Student Book
GEA10 U4 Vocabulary 1
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meanings. Then, use the correct answers to complete activity 1, page 50 of your Student Book.
GEP3 U4 Vocabulary WB
Mots CroisésSolve the puzzle, then copy the correct answers to your WB pg 25
GEP3 U4 Modals
RelierGroup the modals into the correct use. Then use the information to complete SB act. 1 and 2, pg 42
Group the expressions in the correct places.
GEP3 U4 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words and phrases with their meanings. Then copy the correct answer to your SB pg 40, act 1.
GEA10 3B Expressions
RelierGroup the expressions
GEA10 3A Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meanings. Then, copy the correct answers to your SB p34, act. 1
ET9 L7 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meaning. Then copy the correct answer to your Exercise Book page 25, act 1.
ET9 L6 Vocabulary
CompléterFill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases. Then, copy the answer to your Exercise Book page 19, act 1.
ET9L6 Vocabulary
CompléterComplete the text.
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword puzzle. Then use the correct answer to complete your WB page 19. act 1 and 2
ET9 WB L5 Vocabulary 2
CompléterFill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases. Then copy the correct answer to your Exercise Book page 17, act 2
ET9 WB L5 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words/phrases with their meaning. Then copy the answer to your Exercise Book pg 17, act 1.
ET9 L5 Vocabulary
RelierGroup the words into their category.
GEP3 U3 Giving Suggestions
Relier ColonnesListen to the conversations. Match the problems with the suggestions and complete the suggestions.
GEP3 U3 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words/phrases with their meanings.
EC2A Clothes or Not Clothes
RelierGroup the things.
EC2A U2 Vocabulaty
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures and the words.
ET9 L4 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meaning.
GRP3 Identifying sentences
RelierA sentence should have a subject and a verb. If a group of words doesn't have a subject nor a verb, it's a fragment (a phrase or dependent clause). Now group them in correct places.
GEP3 2C Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meaning.
GEP3 2C Writing
CompléterComplete the article with the correct words.
Group the words
RelierPut the fruits and vegetables in the correct group.
Find the opposite
Relier ColonnesEC2A U1
EC2A Jack and the Beanstalk
Relier ColonnesMatch the words and the picture
ET9 L2 Vocabulary
Mots CroisésFinish the puzzle
ET9 U1 Vocabulary
Mots MêlésFind the words.
Mots CroisésUse the clues to solve the puzzle.
CV 1 U2. Nationality
Mots MêlésFind ten nationalities in the word search puzzle below.
Mots CroisésUse the clue to find the occupation
Decide if these words are to describe people physically or personally.
Mots CroisésFinish the puzzle
EC1B-8 Healthy or Unhealthy
RelierPut the foods in correct categories
GEP2-CH2-Vocab Review
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with their meaning.
CompléterRead and complete
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to their explanations
CompléterComplete the dialog
MemoryMemory Game (Food)
RelierWhich are green and not green?
CompléterComplete the text.
Remember the dish's name
MemoryMatch and memorize.
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture of food with its name.
RelierPut the sentences where they belong to.
EC6A CHAPTER 1 L1 Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture with the word.
EC6A Explore
Relier ColonnesMatch to make questions.
Relier ColonnesMake word pairs
Relier ColonnesPhrasal verbs
CompléterComplete the short talk.
CompléterComplete the text.
Relier ColonnesMatch the words to their meaning.
PI1-U2C-Movie terms
Relier ColonnesFind the synonyms!
PI1-U2C-Movie Review
CompléterComplete the movie review.
CompléterFill in the blanks!
Mots CroisésSolve the puzzle
CompléterFill in the blanks.
MemoryWords relevant to cyber world.
Relier ColonnesMatch the sentences halves!
Relier ColonnesMatch the picture and the word.
CompléterComplete the dialog.
CompléterComplete this dialog.
CompléterFill in the blanks with the correct words.
Relier ColonnesMatch the right and the left columns to make correct sentences.
Past Verbs
Mots CroisésSimple past tense.
Series of unfortunate events
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the descriptions.
Describing Activities
Relier ColonnesPair the words to make good colloatiions.
Leisure Activities
MemoryMatch the pictures and the activities.