You will learn about the duration
They consist of questions about Europe whose answers begin or contain each of the letter of the alphabet.
Pasapalabra about Baroque concepts
Learning the instruments and their families.
Definitions of forms of Baroque period
Caractheristics of Baroque music
Review of concepts of duration
Señala los siguientes elementos en la partitura
Aprender distintos conceptos de música.
Learn about religious and secular music.
Repasamos conceptos sobre la Edad Media.
Aprender sobre el Canto Gregoriano y la música profana
Repaso de la música en Grecia
Complete the text with the words that you learn.
You can review all the concepts about Middle ages
Find in this word search the names of the different instruments, voices or ensembles studied.
You will learn about dynamics.
You will learn about the duration
Learn Baroque music with this crossword.
Find (vertically and horizontally) all the concepts we have seen regarding the qualities of sound.