Recognize different sibilant sounds
Unscramble the sentences.
Write the correct word according to the description.
Match the city with its nationality
choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
Unscramble the sentences.
Choose the correct answer
Order the following sentences
Match the adjective with its opposite
Unscrumble the following sentences
Choose the correct option so the frog can arrive to the pond.
Write the name of the place bellow
Choose the correct answer
Select the correct answer
Put the correct name of the relationship.
Find the verbs in present
Choose the best option to each question.
Choose the best option to each affirmation.
Guess the organs of the digestive system.
Answer the question while watching the video
Answer the questions while watching the video
Answer the questions while watch the video
watch the video while answer the questions
Find the correct feeling or emotion.
Answer the questions correctly.
Choose the correct meaning of the modal verb.
Write the school supply when it corresponds
Choose the correct school supply when it corresponds
Answer the questions meanwhile you are watching the video.
Choose the correct answer.
Match the greeting with its corresponding image
Find the fruits and Vegetables
Relaciona la figura literaria con su significado.
Encuentra los nombres de los autores representativos del modernismo
Responde las preguntas correctamente
Match the verb with its pronunciation
Choose the correct answer
Write the verb in its simple past tense form
Match the parts with their name
Answer the questions using present continous
Completa el siguiente crucigrama con los tipos de argumentos
Choose the correct answer
Resuelve el crucigrama con las partes del texto argumentativo
Encuentra las palabras relacionadas con el texto argumentativo y sus conectores.
Mira el video y responde las preguntas.
Match the adverb of frecuency with its correct translation
Order the following sentences
Answer correctly so the frog can go to the pond
Match the prepostion with its correct picture
Write the correct form of the verb in the crossword
Choose the correct answer
Watch the video and answer the questions
Put the fruits and Vegetables into their correct order
Choose the correct option
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in present simple
Answer the questions when watching the video
Select the correct answer.
Answer questions correctly and help the frog.
Match the adjective with its corresponding image.
Answer questions and help the frog
Fill the gaps with verbs in present simple
Answer the questions wit the vocabulary we have estudy ( Responde las preguntas con el vocabulario que hemos estudiado)
Match verbs with its corresponding image
Find all the frecuuency adverbs
Find the followed words in the alphabet soup.
Find the fruits in the alphabet soup
Match the words with their corresponding picture.
A lot of parts of the head
Match the part of the body with its corresponding image
To identify the vocabulary related to the parts of the head (Head, chin, cheeks, eyes, nose, mouth and ears).
Head, chin, cheeks, eyes, nose, mouth and ears
You are going to fill the gaps with the correct auxiliary or the correct form of the verb.
Match the picture with the name of the month