Female reproductive systtem
Carte InteractivePu in the correct place
Male reproductive system
Carte Interactiveput the organs
Jugadores de fútbol
Carte InteractiveAdivina cúal es cada futbolista
Body system
Mots RouletteGuess the different words about the respiratory ,circulatory, excretory and digestive systems.Is to learn about our body.
Rivers of Spain
Carte InteractiveClikea in the river of Spain
Spain mountain lanscape
Carte InteractiveClikea in the mountain of spain
Excretory system
Carte Interactiveclickea the part of the excretory system
Respiratory Sistem
Carte Interactiveclickea the part of the respiratory system
Digestive system
Carte Interactiveclickea in the part of the digestive system
países de España
Carte Interactiveaprende sobre los países de españas
Aparato digestivo
Carte InteractiveClickea en las partes del cuerpo que te pidan
Mots Croisésaprende mas sobre animales
Maravillas del mundo
Mots Croisésaprende sobre monumentos y maravillas sobre el mundo.
paises de europa
Mots CroisésAprende mas sobre los países de europa