Unscramble the Reflexive Fun!
Ordonner les MotsTest your knowledge of reflexive pronouns with this engaging word scramble game.
Stress Unscramble Challenge
Ordonner les MotsTest your knowledge on the effects of stress and its psychological aspects with this fun word game!
CompléterComplete the sentences properly
Relier ColonnesUne las palabras con significado similar
Unreal conditionals
CompléterAdapted from WB p 47 Ex 6
Mots CroisésFind the words
Video QuizVerifying people's life experiences
Post Listening SB p 51
Mots CroisésVocabulary
Pre-listening SB p 51
CompléterComplete the definitions with the correct concept.
Pre-listening SB p48
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble the words
VOC SB p 44
CompléterSB part 2
VOC SB p 42
Mots CroisésFInd the words in the crossword
Look at and See 1.1
CompléterThis is the second part of the previous exercise. This has the definitions of the verbs different to the presentation.
Vocabulary Look at and See
CompléterRead the sentence and complete with the correct words
Unscramble the words
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to complete the question
MemoryMatch the pcitures with the words that describe each
Test of flags
TestObserve the picture and select the correct option
Activities in progress 1.2
Ordonner les MotsRead, listen and unscramble the words.
Activities in progress 1.1
Ordonner les MotsRead, listen and unscramble the words
Actions in progress 1
Ordonner les MotsRead, listen and unscramble the words to form sentences.
Sentences in progress
CompléterRead and complete the sentences.
Activities at the moment
Relier ColonnesMatch the columns correctly
Existence of places
DictéeRemember how we can express existence... Listen and write the complete sentences.
Places in my neigbourhood
Mots CroisésLet's see what places can be in my negibourhood.