Balance de Situación
Carte InteractiveConfecciona el siguiente Balance de Situación
Elementos patrimoniales
Relier ColonnesClasifica los siguientes elementos patrimoniales en bienes, derechos u obligaciones
Carte InteractiveMatch each word with the correct answer
prepositions of place
Carte InteractiveMatch each word with the correct picture
Places of school
Carte InteractiveMatch each word with the correct picture
Carte InteractiveMatch each word with the correct flag
Carte InteractiveMatch each word with the correct answer
Carte InteractiveMatch the word with the correct picture
Carte InteractiveMatch the word with the correct picture
Verb to be
Ordonner les MotsOrdena la frase
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword
Carte InteractiveMatch with the correct picture
CompléterFill the gaps with the correct words
CompléterFill the gaps with the correct form
Parts of body
Carte InteractiveMatch each word with the correct part
Ordinal Numbers 2
Ordonner les MotsOrdenalos
Ordinal numbers
Ordonner les MotsOrdena los números
How are you today?
Relier ColonnesMatch de correct answers
Ordinal numbers
Mots CroisésRealiza el siguiente crucigrama
what time is it?
Relier ColonnesMatch the words with the correct picture
Days of the week
Ordonner les MotsOrdena las palabras
Complete the crossword
Mots CroisésCompleta el crucigrama
How many characters are in each picture?
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures with the correct answer.
Factor humano de la empresa.
CompléterRellena los huecos con el concepto, palabra o número adecuado.