Mots Mêlés
2ndG U2R3 Vocabulary-Phonics
Find the vocabulary and phonics words that we studied for this reading! Student Edition pages 96 and 97.
Mots Mêlés
1stG U2R3 Vocabulary and Phonics
Find the vocabulary and phonics words that we studied for this reading! Student Edition pages 90 and 91.
Mots Mêlés
2ndG Reading2 U6
Find the words from our vocabulary and phonics words in the Word Search.
Mots Croisés
Conceptos Fase 1 "Redes sociales"
Contesta correctamente el crucigrama con los conceptos revisados anteriormente.
Mots Croisés
3rdG Key words and phonics rev
Review for all the key and academic words and also phonics that we worked for reading 2 Unit 4!!
Mots Mêlés
3rdG R3 Keywords
Find and say the meaning of each keyword. You also may find the academic words, do you remember what those words mean? Tell your class.
Mots Mêlés
1stG U3 Vocabulary1
Find the sight and story words... you have some of the phonics examples reviewed, try to pronounce them!
Mots Mêlés
1stG U2 Vocabulary R2
Find the vocabulary words on the Word Search, try it as many times as you want!
Vocabulary Reading2
1st grade sight and story words. Find and match each picture with their name or something representative (memory game).
Mots Mêlés
Vocabulary Reading 1
Words to know. Find all the sight and story words previously learned on class.
Relier Colonnes
We are going to learn or review the shapes. Don't forget to mention the color of the shape... good luck!