Mots Roulette
Irregular Verb Challenge
Guess the past forms of irregular verbs from the provided list!
Mots Roulette
Rules for third person in present simple (1) (D)
Complete this fun activity with the verbs for third person in present simple. When you identify the verb, you need to give your full answer and choose the correct rule (s, es, ies) to each one.
Relier Colonnes
Verb Tenses Matching Game
Match the past tense verbs with their present tense forms in this interactive game.
Oui ou Non
Eco-Friendly Sports Quiz
Test your knowledge of eco-friendly sports with this quiz! Answer ✅ if the sport is eco-friendly, and ❌ if it is not.
Eco-Friendly Memory Match
Test your memory and learn about eco-friendly practices with this fun memory card game!
Froggy Jumps
Present S & C (M.R)
Test your knowledge on environmental terms like recycle, ecobag, carpool, and more!
Mots Croisés
La estructura del crucigrama esta basada en conceptos de la Facultad de Educación pertenecientes a la Universidad de Pamplona y conceptos provenientes del PEI (Proyecto Educativo Institucional)