Mots MêlésYou need to find the colours mentioned in ex.10!
Household chores
Mots MêlésHow often do you do chores?
Household appliances
Mots RouletteA piece of equipment, usually electrical, that you use in your home
Efforts to combat pollution
CompléterWhat should people do to combat pollution?
Negative impact of pollution
Relier ColonnesIt's time for us to deal with a new activity. How can the poisonous particles drift from one place to another?
RelierSad but true. Make whole sentences out of their parts
Environmental issues
Mots CroisésLet us review some words on environmental problems
Mots CroisésLet us remember the words and phrases from previous unit!
The first words
Mots CroisésTry to remember the words we have already learnt
La historia de España
Mots CroisésVamos a ver qué tan bien conoce la historia de España