Navarre mountain ranges.
Carte InteractiveWrite the correct mountain range in each space.
Spain main mountain ranges
Carte InteractiveWrite the correct mountain range in each place.
mapa comunidades autónomas
Carte InteractivePractica las comunidades de España.
Listen to the first audio once, then listen to the second audio, is the same but slower, and finally listen to the last audio again to check.
Countries & CONTINENTS
Relier ColonnesMatch each country with the continent it belongs.
20 most populated places
Mots CroisésFind the 20 most populated places in the world.
European capital cities
CompléterWrite the name of the capital cities from the different European countries.
Mots MêlésFInd the words learnt in unit 3.
Adventurous Sports
Mots CroisésTry to do the crossword of adventurous Sports.