Test your knowledge of English phrasal verbs related to socializing with this quiz game!
Test your knowledge about the human body, illnesses, injuries, and treatment for 14 years old.
¡Encuentra las palabras ocultas en este juego de palabras!
Un test de checo y la republica checa
el verbo ser y pronombres personales
Basic info about Spanish - for Czech students
Masha and the bear - with questions
Vocabulary related to money
past simple vs. past continuou
project 3 unit 3
Everyday English expressions
song made by a teacher for his students - you can practise will and going to (gonna)
vocabulary of unit 3 - Klassnye druzya Russian
Vocabulary - English and Czech
Project 2 Revision - Listening - Daily Routine
mama - Russian declination
Listen to adverbs of frequency in movies
Countries, Nationalities, Languages in Russian
match russian and latin letters
slovicka z lekce 1 Klassnyje druzja
sport:places and equipment
Summer Activities - vocabulary
Phrasal Verbs and 1st Conditional in movies and songs
Everyday English Expressions
TV programmes, Entertainment
Project 4 Unit 5 D vocabulary
poslechove cviceni - obleceni, barvy, darky, nakupy - lekce 10 Klassnye druzja
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple
Adjectives, as...as in a song
Easter in the Czech Republic
Vocabulary of Project 5 Unit 5C
Vocabulary of the weather, continents, landscape
Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives
Conjugation in Russian - the verb TO DRINK
slovicka z lekce 8 - rustina - Moi klassnie druz´ja
Finish the basic sentences in Russian
Living and Family vocabulary revision