Animal facts
Mots CroisésExciting activity about animals facts.
Mots MêlésExciting activity about animals
Animal facts
Relier ColonnesExciting activity about animal facts
MemoryExciting memory game about wild animals
Wild Animals Quiz
Froggy JumpsTest your knowledge about wild animals with this fun quiz game!
Wild Animals
Oui ou NonTest your knowledge about wild animals in this exciting game!
Family members
MemoryListen and match
Body parts 2
Carte InteractiveListen and match
Body parts 1
Carte InteractiveListen and match
Reading - Schools
Mots MêlésActivity based on Reading about Schools.
Carte InteractiveSample - Actions
Schools - Reading
Mots MêlésSchool-related words.
Audiobooks - Fairy Tales
Relier ColonnesActivity based on fairy tales.
The goose that laid golden eggs
Mots MêlésShort activity based on the fairy tale.
Eyes - Reading 2
MemoryVocabulary about Eyes
Eyes - Reading
Mots RouletteVocabulary about Eyes - Reading
Eyes - Reading
MemoryReading "EYES"
Eyes - Reading
Mots MêlésExercise on "Eyes"
Ordonner les MotsUnscramble these conditional sentences
Scrambled verbs
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the most common verbs
Scrambled verbs
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the most common verbs
Mots RouletteCommon verbs in English
Phonics 1 - "a"
Mots MêlésPhonics 1 - "a"
Past Participle 2
Mots MêlésPuzzle on Past Participle forms. (2)
Past Participle 1
Mots CroisésPuzzle on Past Participle forms.
Verbs - Simple past
Mots CroisésVerbos en pasado simple Dany Week 13-14
Logistics Vocabulary - 2
Mots RouletteLogistics Vocabulary English - Spanish
Logistics Vocabulary
Mots CroisésSome vocabulary words from the Logistics field.
Con esta actividad pondrás a prueba la identificación y uso de las diferentes formas de estos dos verbos esenciales en inglés.
10 most common verbs
Mots CroisésCon esta actividad practicarás los 10 verbos más comunes del inglés.
Con este ejercicio aprenderás las diferentes formas del verbo TO HAVE.
Different forms - verb TO BE
MemoryCon este ejercicio identificarás las diferentes formas del verbo más importante en inglés "to be".
15 most common verbs
Mots Mêlés15 most common verbs - English
Euskera - Spanish
MemorySome words that probably were borrowed from Euskera.