Test your knowledge of alveolar anatomy and gas exchange with this educational fill in the blanks game.
Structures around the lungs
Fill in the blanks to learn about the external structures in respiration.
Test your knowledge of the muscles of the head, neck, and abdomen with this Fill in the Blanks game!
Mots Mêlés
Muscle Anatomy
Find the muscles related to the head, neck, spine, and abdomen in this word search puzzle.
Mots Croisés
Muscle Origins and Insertions
Test your knowledge of the origins and insertions of shoulder, forearm, and leg muscles with this crossword puzzle!
Ordonner les Lettres
Muscle Mania
Unscramble the names of muscles in the human body and test your anatomy knowledge!
Test your knowledge about the muscles of the forearm, lower leg, hip, and thigh!
Froggy Jumps
Gram Staining Procedure Jump
Answer the questions properly about the gram-staining procedure.
Spanish Jobs and Careers Vocabulario
Translate from Spanish to English and English to Spanish.
Mots Croisés
Anaerobic and Aerobic Pathways
Finish the crossword about Anaerobic and Aerobic metabolism!
Carte Interactive
MOA and Level of Germicide
Type each germicide's mode of action and level of decontamination
A fill in the blanks of the strength of microbe control methods.
Mots Croisés
Terms - Control of Microbes
Here is a crossword of the terms associated with control of micro-organisms
Microbiology - Microbe Living Conditions
What types of organisms live in certain conditions? Fill in the blanks!
Mots Croisés
BA Vocabulary Ch 2/3
A crossword for vocab terms from Chapter 2 and 3 of Paul Chance's First Course in Applied Behavior Analysis
Relier Colonnes
Time of Reflex Disappearance
This quiz tests you on the order that neonatal reflexes disappear during development. Order the pairs from first (1) to disappear to last (7) to disappear. This is a psychology test, but there is no o...