Relier Colonnes
Think & Match the literary devices
Read the examples and match the literary device with its definition.
No Talking - Remember & guess
After reading some chapters from the novel guess who these characters are
Relier Colonnes
Story organization- Match
Think about the information that you include in the stories and match the columns .. Then match the parts of the story with the correct title.
Linkers/ connectors
Place each linker in the correct column: addition, contrast, reason, consequence and sequence
Ordonner les Mots
The Crucible Act I quotes
Unscramble the words, get the quote & decide who 's said it.
Froggy Jumps
The Crucible- Historical context-
Recap key information about the play by choosing the right option?
Mots Croisés
The Great Gatsby Opening
After reading the 1st pages of the novel, read the clues and discover the words
Mots Croisés
Love in a life by Robert B.
After analysing the poem, read the clues & write the correct word
Choose the correct answer
Mots Roulette
Yes/no Vs Wh-questions
Use the clues to practice yes/No & WH questions. In the present, past & future
Blue Miracle-characters
Look at the photos & match the characters with the roles they play in the movie
Planning & Developing S7
Jugamos a descubrir las parejas relacionadas con las etapas de Design thinking
Mots Croisés
The Poplar Fields- Quick recap
Let's refresh some key words from William Cowper 's poem
Mots Croisés
Togo. Watch & discover
Watch the DisneyPlus movie, read the clues and discover vocabulary words connected with the movie.
Mots Croisés
Plan. & Dev. -Lee & adivina
Lee las pistas relacionadas con la sesión 4 y descubre la palabras
Mots Mêlés
DR Strange- Marvel ( Vocabulary)
Find words connected with the protagonist and what happens to him.
Relier Colonnes
Click & Match column A to Column B
Read collocations from the movie and match them to their meaning
Literature- warm-up to revise Read the quotes and group them according to the idea highlighted
Mots Croisés
optimizing learning
it is meant to bring awareness on aspects to take into account in the classroom