Present Tense Verbs
Ordonner les Lettresunscramble the verbs according to the picture
Verbs in present
DictéeWrite the verbs heard
Verbs in present
Mots CroisésTest your knowledge of present verbs with this fun crossword puzzle game!
Froggy JumpsWrite the result of the sum
Simple future vs going to
CompléterComplete the text
Present Perfect
CompléterComplete the text
Future plans
CompléterComplete the text
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
Disease vocabulary
Ordonner les LettresOrganize the letters to decipher the disease
Past perfect
CompléterComplete the sentences according to the structure of the past perfect
Past continuous
CompléterComplete the sentences according to their grammatical structure.
The happiest day in your life
CompléterComplete the text according to the vocabulary seen in class.
Past simple tense
CompléterComplete the sentences with the verb in its form
Clothing and Weather
Ordonner les LettresOrganize the letters to form the word
House parts
Ordonner les LettresOrganize the letters to be able to decipher the word
Daily Routine
CompléterComplete with the correct verb
Leisure Activities
Mots MêlésFind the words according to the given vocabulary
Fitness activities
Mots CroisésRead the description of each of the activities and write the correct activity
Body parts
Mots CroisésLook at the pictures and write the correct body part
Progressive past
Relier ColonnesJoin according to the image
Daily Routine
TestPracticing expressions
Daily Routine
CompléterPracticing expressions to talk about our daily activities.
Prepositions of place
DialogueConduct a dialogue according to the questions and give information.
Mots CroisésGuess the qualifying adjective according to the image shown.
CompléterWrite the adjective according to the sentence.
A day with GiGi and Hamster
Mots MêlésFind words from the watched video
Teorias Curriculares
Mots CroisésTeorías Curriculares
A Garden Bench
Creature conforts
Creature comforts
CompléterMedium, Creature conforts
Plastic money
CompléterEasy, Plastic money. interview
Easy, Plastic money
Vocabulary lessons
CompléterHere you can put your vocabulary into practice.
TestEste test es de las clases de palabras, en este caso es el adjetivo. Donde se evaluara los conocimientos acerca de el.