Pasapalabra CES 3
Mots RouletteRead the definition and guess the words
Jobs and Professions
Mots RouletteMatch jobs and definitions
Relier Colonnesmatch the name of the sports with the definitions
English Professions
Mots RouletteRead the definitions and write the name of the professions, occupations and jobs
Environmental issues
Relier Colonnesmatch the words connected with environmental issues
Matching: Sports
Relier ColonnesMatch the columns
Matching: Animal groups
Relier ColonnesMatch the columns
Matching: Animals and Birds
Relier ColonnesMatch the columns
Matching: Reptiles and insects
Relier Colonnesmatch to create a word
CES pasapalabra 2
Mots RouletteColegio el sembrador pasapalabras ingles
CES pasapalabra 1
Mots RoulettePasapalabras inglés Colegio el Sembrador