Relier Colonnes
Socialne navade - Čustva, 1.nivo (5)
Poišči par in se pogovori o tem kaj prikazuje slika
Relier Colonnes
Vrste komunikacije (3)
Poveži različne vrste komunikacije s slikami, ki jih predstavljajo.
Relier Colonnes
Načini komunikacije (4)
Večina ljudi misli na govor, ko razmišljajo o komunikaciji, vendar je veliko drugih načinov na katere lahko komuniciramo med sabo. Razpravljajte o vsaki vrsti komunikacije. Razpravljajte o slikah. ...
Socialne navade - Nestrinjanje (2)
Naučil se boš o nestrinjanju in kako se vljudno nestrinjati.
Mots Mêlés
Socialne navade - Poišči besede, 2.nivo (4)
Poišči besede o socialnih navadah in se pogovori o njih.
Mots Mêlés
Socialne navade - Poišči besede, 1.nivo (3)
Poišči besede o socialnih navadah in se pogovori o njih.
Find the words. Discuss what you already know about a word (in connection to bartending) with your trainer or other participants.
Answer questions bout preparing food as a barman. While going to every statement trainer will open a discussion with participant about content of statement.
Go through a quiz to see what you know about preparing a bar while working as a barman.
Relier Colonnes
Get to know ict tools that a barman can use. Find a match and talk about it with your trainer.
Mots Mêlés
BARMAN.S3.Support activties
The main objective is to learn about carries out support activities and waste management (sorting, recycling). Find the words and talk about them with your trainer.
Mots Mêlés
Catering is the business of providing food service at a remote site or a site such as a hotel, hospital, pub, aircraft, cruise ship, park, filming site or studio, entertainment site, or event venue.
Waste sorting is the process by which waste is separated into different elements.
Hygene is the science that deals with the promotion and preservation of health. It is also the application of scientific knowledge to the preservation of health and prevention of the spread of disease...
Waiters all over the world daily do some very similar basic operations.
Relier Colonnes
WAITER ASSISTANT S5.planning daily tasks as a wait
Daily tasks, which waiter needs to plan in the morning and do over the day.
That you can successfully manage through the day, it is not important only the preparation of environment and materials, but also the preparation of yourself to work. So it is recommended that you fo...
Relier Colonnes
WAITER ASSISTANT S5. Jobs as waiter
associate different waiters with their place of work
Mots Mêlés
WAITER ASSISTANT S4. ICT tools of waiter
Find the ICT tools that waiters can use while working.
while we communicate, we need to pay attention to a lot of things. Discuss the reason.
Relier Colonnes
Communication skills - ways of communication
Most people think about speech when they think about communication but there are many other ways we can also use to communicate with each other. Discuss each way of communication. Discuss the pictur...
Relier Colonnes
Communication skills - types of communication
Match different types of communication with the pictures that represents them. Describ or talk about each type of ommunication.
Social habits - Disagreeing
You will learn about disagreeing and how to disagree politely.
Mots Mêlés
Social habits - Find the words Level 1
Find the words about social habits and then talk about them.