Mots Croisés
Class 8 Quiz 1 page 23 & 34 (D)
Quiz 1 book: page 23 activity 3; page 34 activity 4 and 5 translation from English into Polish
Mots Croisés
Class 8 Quiz 1 page 23 & 34
Quiz 1 book: page 23 activity 3; page 34 activity 4 and 5 translation from English into Polish
Mots Croisés
Vocabulary review class 8
Vocabulary review class 8 book page 34 activity 5 from English into Polish
Mots Croisés
Vocabulary review class 8
Vocabulary review class 8 book page 23 activity 3 from Polish into English
Mots Croisés
CLASS 5a A big earthquake
Vocabulary from the text about a big earthquake in Japan BOOK PAGE 62
Mots Croisés
St Martin in Poznań
Vocab from the text about Independence Day in Poland and St Martin - the knight wearing a red cape
Mots Croisés
Vocabulary page 72
Crossword based on the sets of words: festivals, celebrations and useful phrases
Mots Croisés
Class 6 Vocabulary book page 58
Crossword based on the sets of words: hygiene, household chores and appliances
Mots Croisés
The Ghost of Niedzica puzzle
Crossword puzzle based on the words from the text about the ghost of Niedzica