Relier Colonnes
10 Song Audio Titles (trimmed English - English)
Match the columns from English titles with their corresponding audio phrases in English
Organize the adverbs
Organize the adverbs according to the present tense. Determine if it normally goes with present simple or present continuous.
How letter 'a' is pronounced, specially when it is in the middle a short word.
Reemplace la palabra ain't con las opciones dadas por el inglés estandard (o académico)
Read the following text and choose the best option a, b or c.
Relier Colonnes
10 Imperatives in Song Titles (Only English)
Match the left column about song titles with their corresponding audios on the right column
Past Participle Quiz
Seleccione la forma correcta del verbo en Participio Pasado. Recuerde que el participio pasado en la traducción al español normalmente termina en -ado, -edo, -ido. Ejemplo: taught = enseñado
Relier Colonnes
10 Song Audio Titles (trimmed)
Match the columns from Spanish with their corresponding audio original titles in English
Relier Colonnes
Imperatives in 10 Song Titles
Match the columns. The translation is from Spanish into English text
Relier Colonnes
20 Imperatives in Song Titles (Audio)
Match the columns that start with "Translate" with their corresponding written phrases. And match the columns that start with "Sing in English..." with their corresponding spoken phrase.
Mots Croisés
Crossword: Car Interior Parts
Crucigrama de las Partes Interiores del Carro. Traducción del inglés al español
Mots Croisés
Suspension Crossword
Translate the glossary of the suspension system from Spanish into English. -------------- No debe usar espacios en blanco entre las palabras compuestas.
Mots Croisés
Glossary for the engine
Translate the internal combustion engine. ======= NO se debe usar espacios entre las palabras compuestas.
Mots Croisés
Glossary for Pliers Wrenches
Translate the words about Pliers and wrenches from Spanish into English. ======== No deben poner espacios entre las palabras compuestas.
Mots Croisés
Glossary for Tools 1
Translate the words about the topic: Tools 1. ====== NO debe usar espacios entre las palabras compuestas.
Mots Croisés
Fill in the Crossword
Llene el crucigrama con las traducciones al inglés sobre la logistica.
Match the electricity concept with one correct definition. You have to control your time.
Carte Interactive
Internal Combustion Engine
Relate the words of the engine parts with the big picture of the engine.