Look for the pairs
Relate the image with the correct name.
Find members of family.
Relate the image with the sound.
Relate the vocabulary with the image.
Relate the command with the correct image.
Write the correct answers
Complete the wordsearch
Complet the crossword
Listen and write.
Join the part of the house with the image.
Relate the time with the clock
Join the image with the correct number
Guess the job or profession according to the clue.
Relate the professions with the image.
Join the numbers with the correct image.
Join the number with the correct image
Find the numbers
Join the body parts with the image.
Find the words
Join the image with the correct number.
Find the numbers fifteen to twenty.
Choose the correct answer
Vamos a repasar algunos conceptos que debemos saber para leer el reloj análogo.
Let's review the vocabulary about colors and parts of the face.
Find the parts of the face
Look for the numbers.
Find the parts of the house
Relate the sentence with the image.
Relate with the correct image and word
Fill the blank spaces.
Select just the possessive adjectives.
Find the verbs