Everyone got wet
Carte InteractiveSome vocabulary related to the book everyone got wet.
-all word families
Carte InteractiveLook at the word, say it and then listen to it. Was it correct?
Questions about the book!
digestive system
Carte InteractiveTry to write all the organs
Body Systems
Mots MêlésTry to find all body systems!
Relier ColonnesReview some bones!
My Skeleton
Mots CroisésTry to write some parts of the skeleton!
Please Mr. Panda
Carte InteractiveClick the colour of the doughnuts!
Please Mr. Panda friends
Mots MêlésCan you find all Mr. Pandra's friends in this wordsearch?
Please Mr Panda
Relier ColonnesCan you find all Mr Panda's friends?
Please Mr Panda (Doughnuts)
Relier ColonnesMr Panda can't find the label for his doughnuts. Can you help him?
There is / there are
Carte InteractiveDescribe the picture using there is and there are
Mots CroisésYou will write the plurals of man, woman, child, girl, baby, boy, person
RelierPlurals of the following words: Girl, boy, child, man, woman, person
Ten in the bed
Mots Croiséswrite the name of the aimals from the book "ten in the bed"
Parts of the house
Mots MêlésFind the parts of the house
In the jungle
Mots MêlésElmer meets some friends in the jungle
In the jungle
Mots CroisésElmer meets some friends in the jungle.
Black Hat Bob sentence
Ordonner les MotsOrder one of Black Hat Bob's sentences!
Black Hat Bob crossword
Mots CroisésA crossword about the second book of Black Hat Bob: Tug Tug
Plurals quiz
TestAre you sure you know how to form plurals? Here you can check them!
RelierMatch the following plurals remembering: -s -es oo/ee no change Irregular
a bad fox
Mots MêlésA bad fox wordsearch
On the bus easy
Mots MêlésEasy wordsearch about the book "On the bus"
The spell
Mots CroisésFind the ingredients of the spell!
On the bus wordsearch
Mots MêlésWordsearch about the story
On the bus crossword
Mots CroisésComplete using the images as help.
On the bus
CompléterPractice some adjectives: fat/thin short/long