123 Testing
TestAnswer the question
Questions - Helping verb
DialoguePractice asking questions.
Present Perfect Simple Tense
CompléterFill in the blank with the correct words. Learn the new vocabulary that is related to jobs and careers.
Fill in the blank with the correct business expression.
Business Expressions
Relier ColonnesMatch words to create popular business expressions.
Practice Present Perfect Simple Tense
Prepositions of Time - Video
Video QuizPractice prepositions of time with this video.
Present Continuous - Negative
Video QuizChoose the correct answer.
Present Continuous - Affirmations
CompléterFill in the blanks with the correct helping verb and action verb.
First Class Video
Video QuizWhat do you see?
Choose the incorrect sentence.
Carte InteractiveClick on the correct item.
Was & Were
CompléterFIll in the blanks
Which sentence is correct?
Careers & Jobs
RelierMatch the jobs with the job category.
Likely Questions
TestChoose the question that the person in the image is most likely to ask.
Do & Make Dialogue
DialoguePractice using Do and Make in everyday conversation.
Do vs Make
TestDetermine whether the sentence is "Correct" or "Incorrect". Good luck!
CompléterFill in the blank
Ropa | Clothes
Carte InteractiveEscucha la palabra y elige la imagen correspondiente. - http://englishcoacharg.com
Cubiertos | Silverware
Carte InteractiveEscucha la palabra y elige la imagen correspondiente. - http://englishcoacharg.com
Frutas | Fruits
Carte InteractiveEscucha la palabra y elige la imagen correspondiente. - http://englishcoacharg.com
Travel | Places to go
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with the phrase
Present Perfect Tense
Acciones Cotidianas | Everyday Actions
Carte InteractiveEscucha la palabra y elige la imagen correspondiente. - http://englishcoacharg.com
State of being vocabulary
Carte InteractiveChoose the picture that corresponds to the correct vocabulary word.
Singular & Plural Nouns
CompléterChange the singular nouns to plural nouns.
I, You, He, She, It
TestPractice I, You, He, She, It
IN, AT, ON - Place (Video)
Video QuizChoose the correct preposition.
Carte InteractiveSeleciona la foto que corresponde a la palabra de vocabulario.
Practice simple helping verbs with their corresponding pronouns.
Frequency Adverbs
TestRead the following sentences, and choose the correct sentence.
Write Numbers: 1-100
CompléterType the correct number.
Numbers: 1-100
Relier ColonnesListen to each audio and match it with the correct number.
Partes De La Cara
Carte InteractiveAprende las partes de la cara, con la pronunciacion correcta.
Past Irregular Verbs
Relier ColonnesPractice Past Tense Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs
Relier ColonnesPractice Irregular Verbs
IN, AT, ON - Time
CompléterPractice filling in sentences using these prepositions.
IN, AT, ON - Place
CompléterCreate your own sentences using these prepositions.
Guess Adjectives
Mots RouletteGuess the correct adjective using the first letter and a clue.
Relier ColonnesPractice new adjective vocabulary and match the image with the correct word.