Hora de beisbol
Relier ColonnesActividad de refuerzo de la lectura "Hora de Beisbol"
Relier ColonnesStudents will identify some emotions
Recordemos los pájaros
Relier Colonnes¿Han oído el pajaro en el nido?
Sílabas /l/
Relier ColonnesPalabras con sílabras /l/
Sílabas /s/
Relier ColonnesLos estudiantes unirán las sílabas con s con las palabras que contienen esas sílabas
St Lucia's Day
Video QuizIn this video, you will explore the traditions and history surrounded St Lucia's Day celebrated in Sweden during December
Different family types
Relier ColonnesHere we are going to recognize the characteristics of different types of families
Reported speech
Video QuizPractice the reported speech watching this clip of the sitcom "Friends". After some minutes, you will find a question or sentence to complete; remember that you can go back and see the piece of the vi...
Using a foreign language
Video QuizFunny Story related to the use of a second language
Chris Story
Relier ColonnesTry to Organize the events on Chris Story.
Haircuts Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesVocabulary used to talk about haircuts
The Frog Prince
Relier ColonnesOrganization of the Tale "The Frog Prince"
Flirting with someone
CompléterA conversation about flirting with someone
Storytelling Adverbs
CompléterHere you will be able to practice some storytelling adverbs
Hotel vocabulary
Relier ColonnesStudent will find vocabulary related to hotels
Relier ColonnesVocabulary about time travel
Life after death
Relier ColonnesThe beliefs about liefe after death according to different cultutres and regions
Electronic Devices
Relier ColonnesVocabulary about electronic devices
Euthanasia Vocabulary (D)
Relier ColonnesVocabulary used to talk about euthanasia
Euthanasia Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesVocabulary used to talk about euthanasia
Quiz unit 2
TestThis quiz is part of the OVA "The particularities of fiction wrold", it is about the second unit of the course.
quiz unit 1
TestThis quiz is part of the OVA "The particularities of fiction wrold", it is about the first unit of the course.
Reading in the brain
Carte InteractiveThis activity is part of the OVA "The particularities of fiction wrold" and consists of identifying the parts of the brain which are involved in the reading comprehension
Literary Fictional Genres
CompléterThis activity is designed for the OVA "particularities of fiction world", it pretends to practice the literary fictional genres and its characteristics
The Hidden One Dictate
DictéeThe stundents will listen a short part of the Play "The Hidden One " played in class, then they have to write it according to what they have listened
The Hidden One
Mots MêlésPuzzle with the vocabulary about the tale "The Hidden One"
The Hidden One puzzle
Mots CroisésThis is a puzzle with the vocabulary for the tale "The Hidden One "
Test about culture
Video QuizThe students will be evaluated about their comprehension about cultural differences between english spoken countries and Colombia
Video QuizThe students should predict what mariana will do
Double decker
Video QuizActivity about the hiper-story
American Food
Mots MêlésContent information about traditional American food
Colombian Food
Mots CroisésThe students sould have to complete it with traditional colombian dishes