Relier Colonnes
Listen the names of the animals, then match the audio with the picture of the animal.
Relier Colonnes
Escucha y relaciona el sonido con la imagen. Listen and link the sound with the picture. Feelings. How do you feel today?
Carte Interactive
The colors and the numbers
¿Quieres aprender los números y los colores? Do you want to learn the numbers and the colors? Primero repasa los números y los colores pulsando en la i junto a cada número coloreado, después pulsa ...
Carte Interactive
What's the weather like?
Escucha y elige la opción correcta. Listen and click the right one.
Relier Colonnes
Parts of the body
Come and join the parts of the body with their picture, You can do it!
Sports Quiz
Add the missing words to a paragraph or phrase, which we will have previously deleted.