Antzinako Egipto
TestAntzinako Egipto birpasatzeko
Numbers 0-20
Relier ColonnesLet´s revise the numbers 0-20
Days of the week
Relier ColonnesLet´s learn the days of the week
past simple
Compléterpracticing past simple tense
Relier Colonnesmatch the numbers zero-thousand with the spelling
Agurrak - Greetings
MemoryMatch english greetings with the ones in basque.
Carte InteractiveLets´s learn the colours
Months of the year
Mots MêlésLets´s revise the months playing
days of the week and parts of the day
Relier Colonneslet´s revise the days of the week and month names.
daily routines
RelierAn activity to revise the hours and the daily routines
animalien ezaugarriak lantzen
Compléteranimaliei buruzko ezaugarriak lantzeko ariketa
Zer animalia da?
DevinetteEzkutuko animalia asmatu egin behar da.
Mots Mêlésanimalien izenak ikasteko
Mots MêlésKomikiaren ezaugarriak lantzeko ariketak