hotel room
Complétercomplete the e-mail about booking a hotel room according to the words given below.
services in a hotel
Relier ColonnesYou will be given some words for you to match with the correct picture.
Gothic architecture
Memoryguess the names of each part of the buildings mentioned in the video.
History of architecture
Mots CroisésFill the gaps according to the meaning given.
inteligencia musical
Video Quizchoose the sentence you think the singer said
inteligencia interpersonal
Relier Colonneswhat does the person need?
inteligencia naturalista
Relier ColonnesChoose the animal acording to the place where it lives
inteligencia corporal
DevinetteGuess the profession by looking at your other classmates acting
inteligencia visual-espacial
Carte Interactivein this game you will have to look at the images and choose the one you thing is right.
condicional cero
Mots Mêlés1. Encuentra diez verbos en presente simple en la siguiente sopa de letras.