Matching answers to questions
Relier ColonnesMatch the questions to the correct answers.
Household chores
Mots CroisésFind the hidden household chores.
D-A-CH Quiz
TestOs alunos terão de responder às questões colocadas sobre os países de expressão alemã.
Answer the questions about the English language and culture.
Quiz Informática
TestTexto com informática
If ...
Relier ColonnesMatch the two halves of the sentences, so that they make sense.
My family
Mots CroisésWho are these people?
Wie spät ist es?
Relier ColonnesDie Uhrzeiten verbinden.
RelierMatch each word with the corresponding festivity.
Hobbys finden
Mots MêlésFinden Sie die Hobbys.
Der Körper
Carte InteractiveWie heiβen die Körperteile?
Describing people
Mots RouletteChoose the adjective to describe people physically and psychologically
Charles Dickens' biography.
CompléterFill in the gaps with the past simple of the verbs
Simple Past of Verbs
Mots RouletteWriting the past forms of the given verbs
Mots RouletteWie heissen die Farben?
Shops and Facilities
Mots MêlésSearch the words that refer to the different shops in the city
componentes do e-mail
Mots Mêléso aluno terá que identificar os diferentes componentes de uma conta de e-mail
My bedroom
Carte InteractiveIdentify the pieces of furniture in your bedroom
Identificar componentes
Carte Interactiveo aluno terá que identificar diferentes componentes da motherboard
Mots Croisésmatéria relacionada com IMAI
Was sind sie von Beruf?
Relier ColonnesVerbinden Sie die Bilder mit den Berufen
The House
RelierMatch the given words to the different categories
What are the jobs
Relier ColonnesMatch the pictures to the names
Body image
CompléterTattoos and piercings are also part of some teens’ style. Pam says that if she had the chance, she would have lots of piercings. “Unfortunately, my parents just let me have one ear piercing. I’m sure ...