TestGame made for identify the best as possible this two artistic styles
Relier ColonnesIn this play you will improve your habilities about the Romanticism.
Goya and Neoclassicism style
Relier ColonnesRecognize the following images about this period
Rococo style
Relier ColonnesYou can learn with this game the different pictures, monuments and sculptures of this style
The economic sectors
Testtest on the economic sectors
Mots Rouletteto practise unit 5 and part of unit 4 for the second exam of the 2nd term
Thirty years´ war
Mots Croiséscrossword about thirty years´war
Compléterunit 5 European baroque culture
Mots CroisésCrossword of Mary I and Elizabeth I
Pasapalabra of Tudor dynasty
Mots RouletteA fun activity
Tudor Dynasty
TestTo practise about the information that you learn of Tudor Dynasty