Spelling list 16
Froggy JumpsMatch the definition with the term
Spelling list 9
Ordonner les LettresUnscramble the words matching its pronunciation
Spelling list 7 II
Mots CroisésWrite the correct word for the definition given
Spelling List 7 I
Froggy JumpsMatch the meaning with the correct word
Spelling List 3 David
Relier ColonnesMatch the sound with the word
Science test IV
MemoryMatch the pictures with the name of the tree
Science test III
CompléterWrite the missing word in the blank space
Science test II
Relier ColonnesMatch the definition with the right answer
Science test
TestSelect the correct answer
Spelling List 3 (B) part II
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct word to match the meaning
Spelling list 3 (b)
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct word to match the meaning
Spelling List 2 (B)
MemoryMatch the sound with the writing and the pictures
Spelling list 3 part II
Mots MêlésListen the words and then look for it
Spelling list 3 part I
Mots MêlésListen the word and the look for it
Spelling list 3
Relier ColonnesMatch the word with the correct meaning
Spelling List 2
Froggy JumpsSelect the correct word
Spelling List 2
Relier ColonnesMatch the sound with the word
Spelling List 2
Relier ColonnesMatch the sound with the word
El León y el Ratón
TestPon mucha atención al video que te presentaremos para que puedas responder este test
Froggy JumpsUso de las TICs en los diferentes niveles del currículo de la educación inicial y parvularia
Grupo 4
Video QuizPrácticas Pedagógicas Inclusivas
Mots CroisésAprendamos los colores juntos
Compléter¡Aprendamos juntos!
Devinette¡Te divertirás!