Repaso de Ciencias Sociales para niños de primero de Educación Primaria.
Partes de la Tierra
Relier ColonnesRepaso de las partes de la Tierra: atmósfera, mares y océanos y continentes, junto con aguas saladas y dulces.
Adivina palabras con dr
Mots CroisésLee las definiciones y coloca cada letra de la palabra en el cuadro correcto. ¡Mucha suerte chicos!
Evaluación UUDD2
TestLas preguntas de este test están relacionadas con el ayuntamiento, las elecciones municipales y los servicios, junto con la convivencia.
Seres bióticos y abióticos
Relier ColonnesRelacionar
Guess your classmate
TestIt is a play to order the turn of group in the project "Create our fashion magazine!".
The five senses
TestThis test helps us to learn the five senses in second primary
CompléterYou must discern about, the first clue: If you know the answer, you can know where the thieves were before to this period of History. The second clue: You can discern what period of History you must f...
Tadeo Jones' Advices
DevinetteTadeo gives you two clues to sense the answer and look for the symbol in your school with the objetctive to travel into a period of History. Remember, when you find the symbol in your class, you can d...
They are questions related with a reading activity about super heroes.
In this activity you can distinguish between the use of present simple and present continuous. Good luck!
Soap of animals
Mots MêlésIn this activity you must look for vertebrate animal, although you must be careful with invertebrate animals. There are only six vertebrate animals. Good luck!