Match each expression with its meaning.
Match each word with the correct picture.
Match each word with the correct picture.
Pair the cards correctly: a description with the right family member or verb.
Match each description with the correct family member.
Match each description with the correct family member.
Match each picture with the right adjective.
Match each verb with its meaning.
Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.
Match each pair correctly.
Look at the pictures and write the correct word.
Look at the pictures and solve the crossword.
Match each picture with the correct name of the activity.
Match each picture with the correct expression.
Match each picture with its name.
(Pictures taken from flaticon)
Match each expression with its meaning.
Match each picture with the correct country and nationality.
Match each picture with a phrase.
Match each capitalized word with its meaning.
Match each expression with its meaning.
Match each color with its meaning.
Match each picture with an activity.
Match each picture with the correct verb.
Match each capitalized word with its meaning. You will have a limited number of attempts.
Match each word with the correct picture that represents it.
Match each picture with the correct word that represents it.
Match each picture with the correct verb.
Match each picture with its name.
The pictures were taken from Freepik and Flaticon
Use the definitions and the list of words to complete the puzzle.
Match each word with its synonym(s)
Match each capitalized word with its opposite.
Match each word with its meaning.
Match each word with its meaning.
Match each adjective with its opposite.
Match each adjective with the correct picture.
Pictures taken from Flaticon and Freepik.
Find activities in English.
Say --> like, don't like, hate or love
Add extra information
Match each picture with its name
Pictures by Freepik
Match each picture with the correct remedy
Match the pictures with the correct month
Match each word with its correct picture
Match each card with its correct meaning
Match each word with its meaning
Match each word with its meaning
Match each word with its meaning
Pair each word with its meaning