Ariketa honen bidez, Donostiako auzoak kokatzen ikasiko duzue. Animo asko!
Donostiako Zerbitzuak kokatu
Paisaia motak: Barnealdeko eta Kostaldeko Paisaia.
Lotu biderketak euren emaitzen
Urolako Eskualdeen inguruko jolasa
Urola Kostako Eskualdea lantzeko jolasa.
Match each picture with the corresponding word.
Match the pictures of the house´s rooms which their corresponding names.
Match the nouns according to the group they belong to.
Match the pictures according to what each animal eats.
Match the pictures according to what each animal eats.
Order the words in order to create a proper sentence.
Order the words in order to create a proper sentence.
Order the words in order to create proper sentences.
Order the words in order to create proper sentences.
Order the words in order to create a proper sentence.
Order the words in order to create proper sentences.
Complete the sentences with the correct word.
Follow the instructions in order to carry out the test
Through the following activity you will have to fill the gaps in order to complete the test.
By this activity you will have to match each picture with the corresponding name.
Find the animals hidden inside the letter soup
On this exercise you will have to complete the sentences.
Through this activity you will have to match each picture with the corresponding name.