TestChoose the correct option from the list.
TestEsta actividad consiste en escoger la opcion correcta para cada ejercicio.
Mots MêlésEncuentra en la sopa de letras las preposiciones indicadas en el listado a la derecha. Completa la actividad en el tiempo indicado.
Mots CroisésCompleta el crucigrama con las preposiciones de lugar que corresponden a las definiciones.
Family members
Mots MêlésFind the words in the grid.
Vocabulary Practice
Mots CroisésSolve the crossword with the correct words and expressions. (Resuelva el crucigrama con las palabras y expresiones corretcas).
Letter Souo
Mots MêlésFind the words in the grid.
RelierClasifique las palabras segun el patron de entonacion.
My Personal Introduction.
CompléterFill the blnks with the correct word from the list.
Mots MêlésSocial use of English
Accounting crossword
Mots CroisésCrucigrama con vocabulario basico de contabilidad y hinanzas
Mots Mêlésddddddddddddddddddddd
Fundamentals of English A1
CompléterFill the blanks with the correct word to complete the text.
Family groups
RelierForm family groups with the words in the list.
Family groups.
RelierForm family groups with the terms listed in the exercise.
Early Childhood Activity
CompléterFil the blanks with the correct word.(Llene los espacios en blanco con la palabra correcta)
Early Childhood Attention
RelierSitue los elementos en el grupo que corresponde.
File Organization Assistance
Mots MêlésFind the words in the grid related with File Organization Assistance.
Systems Vocabulary
Mots CroisésSolve the crossword puzzle.
Vocabulary Practice 3
Mots CroisésWrite the word in English that corresponds to the enunciation.
Mark TRUE or FALSE according to given sentence.
Business management
Mots MêlésMarketing terms and expressions.
Accounting Consultancy
Mots MêlésFind the words in the letter soup,related with your learning process.
Occupational Health
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword puzzle with the correct words according to shown images.
Maintenance for Com Devices
Mots CroisésSolve the crossword with the correct words according to images.
Word order
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words correctly to form a complete sentence.
Accounting Consultancy
Mots CroisésComplete the crossword with the correct words according to images,audio or text.
Listening Practice
Mots CroisésWrite the correct words to complete the puzzle.
Fashion Design Puzzle
Mots CroisésFashion Design for MEN.
Parts of the Human Body
Carte InteractiveIdentify the parts of the human body.
Accounting and Finance 3
CompléterFill the blanks with the correct words from the list below.
Occupational Health: Signs
Mots CroisésComplete the puzzle according to the images and audio.
CompléterFill the blanks with the correct word selected from the list below.
Mark the correct option.
Logistics Management
TestAnswer the quiz clicking the correct option.
Accounting and Finance
Mots CroisésResuelva el puzzle completando las palabras correctas que correspondan a la imagen o al audio presentado.
Administrative Assistance
Mots CroisésEscriba las palabras segun la imagen o el audio suministrado.
Business Management
Mots MêlésrFind the words in the grid.
Occupational Health
Mots CroisésEscriba las palabras que correspondan a la imagen o al audio presentado.
Fashion Design
Mots CroisésEscriba la palabra correcta segun corresponda a la imagen o al audio.
Electronics Maintenance 1
Mots CroisésSolucione el crucigrama con terminos en ingles sobre elementos de Mantenimiento Electronico.